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NCitizen, could you give me a$lightAre you happyWhat is your clearanceHave you had any strange$experiences latelyDo you sometimes forget$what you are doingDo you drink regularlyDo you have headaches$frequentlyAre you afraid sometimesDo you want more and better$equipmentDo you sometimes fear going$madDo you sometimes have$strange thoughtsDo you sometimes want to$kill someoneDo you think the world would$be in better shape without$youIs it always necessary to$kill traitorsIs it possible to$rehabilitate traitorsDo you like this gameDo you love meWould you like to become a$programmer some dayDo you think it would be fun$to be The Computer for$awhileDo you think humans are more$clever than The ComputerAre you a member of a secret$societyDo you think the complex$could be improvedDo you think The Computer$can bleed like a humanDo you think one has to kill$under certain conditionsAre you an opportunist pigCitizen, do you have a$DruvikWhat do you do if you$recognize a traitorrun awachase hiparalyze hiDo you think that traitors$can become loyal citizens$againyenyes, if Friend Computer$tries iWhat would you do if Friend$Computer were a traitorshort-circuit hibreak down and$weep bitterldon't think about iDo you think it is possible$that Friend Computer is$a traitoryeif it is obvious, yeneverWhat exists outside the$paranoia complexnothinwildernesa vast room without ceiling$and air-conditioninWhat is a DRUVIKa damned rotten universal$very intelligent keyboara treacherous instrument$of controdon't knoWhich secret society drills$holes into the floor of$the paranoia complex'the manual workers'the drillers'the golfersHow do the section-leaders$of the golfers call$themselveshole 1first iroArnold PalmeWhat is a No.7 woodancient fuewhata membeWhat is a Tucka member of a secret societa biscuiI really don't knoWho are the Royalistsa secret societfaithful servers of Friend$Computethe true rulers of$Paranoia compleWhat are the names$of the Princeswhat princesFroDrewWhat is a Phlipa drink of the Old Reckonina kina revolutioAre there secret societies$unknown to Friend Computermore than enougI can't believe thatWhat are secret societiesWhat are 'Speccies'computera secret society$of programmera secret soTrack-Info  R ciety of reds$who want to overthrow$The ComputeWhat is a Speccy 128a lousy little computea managethe rank number of a$'SpeccyWhat is the name of the$General ManagerQFriend ComputeRonniAre you going to buy all$the other MAGIC BYTES$games tooYes, of courseI'm not surnWhere is the BeefEhI don't understanin the HamburgeDo you have a drivers licenseyenno, but I would love to$have onWould you really like to have$a drivers licenseyeonly if my generous friend,$The Computer, would give$me onoh no,I've thought otherwisDo you have a hacker-modulenyeif I only knew what that$was...but nWhat are 'Commis'communicatora secret society$of programmera secret society of reds$who want to overthrow$The ComputeDo you love$chasing traitorsYes, alotI only do my dutI would prefer shooting yoWho do you think you arean opportunist pia Troubleshooter serving$The Computea computer-gamePICPISPALGAGPOOKPINMISDEAFLIGHNUDMEACNOPLEPEGEITETRAHAGASRUNPLANCOMMBOMBBOTCBORPINELECBACOLDVDIVCARDIRSOVISAUMOTOSELPATSGARLIPERSBOTOEXIparalyzing sticparalyzing pistoparalyzing riflgas generatoparalyzing bazookpower magazinmission suiunderweaflashlighnuclear grenadmeal vouchenote pad and petoilet papeGeiger counteinsect sprahammegas masrunning dynamanti-shook-implancommunicatobot main bodbot chain drivbot claw arcomputer interfacelctrical connectiobattercompact pilDruvidisc drivcassette recordelaser disc readesoftware bovideo sensoraudio sensormonitosolar cellpress air transport systecigarette lightepersonal identifyebot canoexiAt your service, citizen- Shopping - Foodcard programming - See account - Charge bot - Log off You don't have enough creditsYou aren't authorizedYou don't have a foodcardHold down the following keysSorry, you made a mistakeHave a good meal, citizenCitizen 12345, your current$account with your friend,$The Computer, amounts$to creditsConnect bot to power line- briefing Citizen 12345, your friend$The Computer has chosen you$to take on a new job.$A dirty traitor haunts our$complex, and it's your job$to chase and paralyze him!$You recognize this louse by$his green clearanceGood lucMessageTime ouCitizen, you are lateYou are getting hungryYour mission suit is dirty nowYour clothes are dirty!$I fine you Cr 75Upwards or downwards, citizenCitzen, you aren't authorized to enter this levelCitizen 12345, please report immediately to the next terminalCitizen, don't hang around hereYou feel the urgent need to go to the next toiletA new clone$has been activated.$Hail The ComputerCitizen, you've paralyzed an innocent citizen. I fine you Cr 20Not too bad, citizen.$I reward you with a sum of$Cr 200Well done, citizen! I reward$you with Cr 300 and promote$you to the next higher$clearanceAlert! Citizen 12345 has become a traitor!Find him! Chase him! Paralyze himYou find a manual on the traitorYou find a complicated-looking electronic part that your bot swallows immediatelyYou find a strange gadget that fits your bot perfectly.The traitor also carries a cassetteThe traitor whispers: There's a way to the outer world...a toilet on the top ultraviolet citizen has the keyThe traitor carries a discThe traitor carries a compact discThe paralyzed citizen carries some creditsVery good citizen, I reward$you with Cr 100Citizen, you are lying.$I fine you Cr 100Citizen, I would like you to$buy a Druvik as soon as$possibleThe programmer carries an electronic keyYour underwear is dirty!$I fine you Cr 50Secret society$'The Golfers'$$President: Putter$$Head of Department:$No.1 iron$$Member No.7 WooSecret society$'The Royalists'$$Kings: Phlips$$Princes: Drews$$Barons: Annies$$Knights: BethSecret society$'The Speccies'$$General Manager: QL$$Manager: Speccy 128$$Programmer: Speccy 48$$User: ZX8Please report immediately to the next confession boothYou just fainted because of hungerAlert, citizen! The self-destruction has been triggered! 3... 2... 1..Citizen 12345 has$commendation points and$treason pointsTs, ts, ts, citizen, you$shouldn't do that!$I fine you Cr 65.37Your bot's just learned a new word. It's call ArrrghClone-Reproduction-System$activated!$Subject-name 12345Citizen 12345 is promoted$on the spot to the next$higher clearance-levelTermination order -$to execute at onceSorry, Citizen!$You forfeited all your liveYou have managed it! You are outside Paranoia compleYou will go your own way - even without any help from your friend, The ComputeYou are freeSuddenly your bot gives alarm'ThisTrack-Info  R  is the DRUVIK speaking! I have been instructed by Friend Computer to declare you a traitor.A small lid at your bot opens and ..FlusDive intGo oun '; 'HR)]@ >Gv*@"!"x![|GgR0}((Y~G xGOG(0ˁqxw#|@gx!0!0!P"ml͆ l*m}((͆ !vg*m#"mͼ~G ͆ g:m 2m0:n2nH0 *8\ͼ*mͼ~G(lv͆(!Y~#G(+R# ![ N! ^#V*8\!POw,ͭ t*m"8\FRfx  xx3332מa͹ѣ>-pמ}c0cG(o*\#"\jvͨ!@"_͹3>GΥ>2C:@< ú'Í>4ͷ*\&jѣ*\&jѣ!\>7ͷFq͹8>FΥ!\~ 4>9ͷZ!\`!\h"C'o!4n&j ͨv:Р͑>:ͷ":Р( D͑= 2\>;ͷ"!@"_6!Dͺp͊˾xFvho!BX o!6 #!aX0 w#͙#fP*8!B`X 0![8 >Fv!i["מa!| p3HT![͙ͼͼ͓*!>>> >>> !\wqY (!H(!dTi[![T/N !H(!Ti[![T>2D\ãǯ2x\~$(˿͹ͨi[:x\(#(ͼN #F#V#^#~#͞oֆ)[[!B >Z*/ 7PLUS3DOS@ ic~`<q<<<<<<<<(c) 1988 micro-partnedf q ```fc`i|q i f04l( `q`0`nq  A6q8  i8FF(FX Fcgω ǀq w``ffc`qi 0d6( 0qif``fxq Abq E D  BpXCpF0E qic~~<> 07z7v!""\"\"\"\+""\!6X _w(>w, M)[![:@>FΥaPlease choose your$instrument of controlSinclair JoysticKempston JoysticCursor JoysticKey-**WELCOME TO PARANOIA COMPLEX *PLUS3DOS #ç:ç:ç:"23624",ç:"24319" o"pc.a":"250"::"pc.b":"250"::"pc.c":a=("23631"+"256"*"23632")+"5":a,"111":"pc.d""24320" (C:a,"111":"pc.e""16384":"pc.f""20480":a,"244":"20480" '"Paranoia"10 :"saver" "paranoia.1":"001" P "23844" lp}R;;jF+N+~+80( ~+0$ ~+ ~+0 ~+ ~+(DPLUS3DOS #ç:ç:ç:"23624",ç:"24319" o"pc.a":"250"::"pc.b":"250"::"pc.c":a=("23631"+"256"*"23632")+"5":a,"111":"pc.d""24320" (C:a,"111":"pc.e""16384":"pc.f""20480":a,"244":"20480" '"Paranoia"10 :"saver" Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R Track-Info  R         Track-Info ! 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